500 Days of Summer Drinking Game
500 Days of Summer Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB

500 days of Summer Drinking Game

500 days of Summer Drinking Game

Short about the Movie

After the members of a team of scientists lose their cushy positions at a university in New Tom, greeting-card writer and hopeless romantic is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer, suddenly dumps him. He reflects on their 500 days together to figure out where their love affair went sour, and in doing so, Tom rediscovers his true passions in life.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • You see a Day number
  • Season is mentioned
  • Someone says “Penis”
  • Summer is wearing or holding something blue
  • Tom writes a greeting card


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post isn’t meant to make you sick due to the over-consumption of alcohol. PartyPingo does not encourage irresponsible drinking of any kind. Stay safe, everyone!

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