Double Impact Drinking Game
Double Impact Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB
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Double Impact Drinking Game

Double Impact Drinking Game

Short about the movie

Double Impact is a 1991 action film directed by Sheldon Lettich and starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. The movie follows the story of Chad and Alex Wagner, identical twins who were separated at birth after their parents were killed in a vicious attack. Chad, who was raised in the United States, becomes a successful businessman, while Alex, who was raised in France, becomes a skilled street fighter. When Chad’s business is threatened by a group of ruthless gangsters, he turns to his long-lost brother for help. Together, the twins embark on a mission of revenge against the gangsters, using their unique skills and abilities to fight their way to the top of the criminal underworld.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • Someone dies
  • Whenever the twins are mistaken for one another
  • A car is crashed
  • Someone kicks

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post isn’t meant to make you sick due to the over-consumption of alcohol. PartyPingo does not encourage irresponsible drinking of any kind. Stay safe, everyone!

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