Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard Drinking Game
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB

Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard Drinking Game

Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard Drinking Game

Short about the Movie

Michael Bryce dreams of achieving the best bodyguard of the year award, a AAA Golden Trophy. However, soon the dream turns into a nightmare as the memories of his former client, Takashi Kurosawa, and Bryce’s Archenemy, Darius Kincaid, plagues Bryce’s sanity.

You need

  • Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard >>Watch it here!<<
  • Lots of Alcohol

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • There is an explosion
  • Michael calls himself
  • Michael gets badly hurt
  • Someone says “Motherfucker”
  • Michael being unlicenced is mentioned

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post isn’t meant to make you sick due to the over-consumption of alcohol. PartyPingo does not encourage irresponsible drinking of any kind. Stay safe, everyone!

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