Kung Fu Panda Drinking Game
Kung Fu Panda Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB

Kung Fu Panda Drinking Game

Kung Fu Panda Drinking Game

Short about the Movie

This is the story of the lazy and fat panda Po, who works daily in his father’s noodle restaurant but dreams of becoming a great kung fu warrior. However, when Po is unexpectedly selected one day to fulfill an ancient prophecy, his dreams come true. He is allowed to practice kung fu with his all-time great idols under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • Someone mentions Po’s weight
  • Someone gets hurt
  • Someone says “Dragon Warrior”
  • Oogway gives advice or wisdom
  • Someone says “Furious Five”

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post isn’t meant to make you sick due to the over-consumption of alcohol. PartyPingo does not encourage irresponsible drinking of any kind. Stay safe, everyone!

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