Monsters Drinking Game
Monsters Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB
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Monsters Drinking Game

Monsters Drinking Game

Short about the Movie

NASA discovered a few years ago the real possibility of alien life and consequently a probe was set up and launched in order to collect sample. After crashing during the re-entry over Central America, new life forms began to appear and spread rapidly. Half of Mexico is quarantined as an infected zone. In this context we follow the story of a US journalist escorting his bosses’s daughter through this area to the United States.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • Someone makes a phonecall
  • You see a monster
  • Someone says “Sam”
  • You see a Tank
  • You see an evacuation sign
  • You see the news

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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