The Change-Up Drinking Game
The Change-Up Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB

The Change-Up Drinking Game

The Change-Up Drinking Game

Short about the Movie

Once, inseparable pals, Dave and Mitch have drifted apart over the years. Dave is an overworked lawyer and family man, while Mitch has thus far avoided most of the normal responsibilities of adulthood. Each is envious of the other’s life, and following a drunken binge, the men awake to find they have somehow switched bodies. Dave and Mitch soon discover that things are not as rosy as they seemed and try to find a way to return their lives to normal.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • Someone drinks
  • You see cleavage / boobs
  • Someone says “Fuck”
  • Someone smokes weed
  • A baby cries

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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