The Creator Drinking Game
The Creator Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB
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The Creator Drinking Game

The Creator Drinking Game

Short about the Series

As a future war between the human race and artificial intelligence rages on, ex-special forces agent Joshua is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI. The Creator has developed a mysterious weapon that has the power to end the war and all of mankind. As Joshua and his team of elite operatives venture into enemy-occupied territory, they soon discover the world-ending weapon is actually an AI in the form of a young child.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • There is a flashback
  • Someone says “Nirmata”
  • There is an explosion
  • Someone says “Nomad”
  • A Child uses their power

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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