Top 10 New Year Party Games
Top 10 New Year Party Games - Disclaimer / Photo by cottonbro studio
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Top 10 New Year Party Games

Top 10 New Year Party Games

As the new year approaches, it’s time to start planning your celebrations! If you’re looking for some fun party games to play with your friends and loved ones, here are the top 10 best new year party games to help you ring in the new year in style. Post contains Affiliate Links.

Here are ten ideas for party games that you can play to celebrate the new year:

  1. Charades: Divide your group into teams and take turns acting out words or phrases without speaking.
  2. Never Have I Ever: Take turns making statements starting with “Never have I ever…” followed by something you have never done. Anyone who has done the thing mentioned must take a drink (or a non-alcoholic alternative).
  3. Would You Rather: Pose a series of choices for people to choose between, such as “Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?”
  4. Two Truths and a Lie: Take turns telling the group three things about yourself, with two of them being true and one being a lie. The group has to guess which one is the lie.
  5. Cards Against: Divide the group into pairs and give each pair a deck of cards. One person must describe a card to their partner without saying the card’s value or suit, and the other person has to guess what card it is.
  6. Name That Tune: Play short clips of popular songs and have the group try to guess the song title and artist.
  7. 20 Questions: One person thinks of an object, and the group takes turns asking yes-or-no questions to try to guess what it is.
  8. Truth or Dare: Take turns choosing between answering a question truthfully or performing a dare.
  9. Pictionary: Divide the group into teams and take turns drawing and guessing words or phrases.
  10. Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items or tasks for the group to find or complete within a certain time limit.

Remember to choose games that are appropriate and enjoyable for all of your guests, and make sure to have plenty of non-alcoholic beverages available.

1. Charades

New Year Party Games
New Year Party Games – Disclaimer / Image by wayhomestudio

Charades is a classic party game in which one player acts out a word or phrase without speaking, and the other players try to guess what the word or phrase is.

To play charades, you will need at least two players, but it is typically played with a larger group. The group can be divided into teams, or players can take turns acting out words or phrases individually.

To start the game, one player thinks of a word or phrase and writes it down on a piece of paper. They then show the paper to the other players and tuck it out of sight. The player then acts out the word or phrase without speaking, using gestures and facial expressions to convey the meaning. The other players try to guess what the word or phrase is by shouting out their guesses. If someone guesses correctly, that player gets to act out the next word or phrase. If no one guesses correctly within a certain time limit (such as one minute), the player acting out the word or phrase can give a clue (such as the number of syllables in the word) before continuing.

Charades can be played with words or phrases from a specific category (such as movie titles or famous people), or players can act out any word or phrase they choose. The game is a fun way to encourage creativity and teamwork, and it can be adapted for players of all ages.

2. Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a party game in which players take turns making statements beginning with “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done. Anyone who has done the thing mentioned must take a drink (or a non-alcoholic alternative).

Find 50 Funny and Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions here!

To play Never Have I Ever, you will need at least two players. The group can sit in a circle and take turns making statements. The player who is “it” starts by saying “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done. For example, “Never have I ever bungee jumped.” Any players who have bungee jumped must take a drink (or a non-alcoholic alternative).

The game continues with each player taking a turn making a statement. Players are not allowed to repeat something that has already been said. The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of players have finished their drinks.

Never Have I Ever is a fun way to get to know your friends and find out interesting facts about them.

Here are some ideas for your Never Have I Ever Game

3. Would You Rather

New Year Party
New Year Party – Disclaimer / Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev

“Would You Rather” is a party game in which players are presented with a series of choices and must choose between two options. The choices can be silly, serious, or somewhere in between.

To play “Would You Rather,” you will need at least two players. One player thinks of a “Would You Rather” question and poses it to the group. For example, “Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?” The other players must then choose which option they would prefer. The player who posed the question then gives their own answer, and the group can discuss their choices.

The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of players have had a turn posing a question. Players can take turns posing the questions, or one person can act as the “host” and present a series of questions for the group to answer.

“Would You Rather” is a fun way to get to know your friends and find out their preferences and opinions. It can be played with players of all ages and adapted to suit different audiences and settings.

Get your Would you Rather Drinking Game here!

4. Two Truths and a Lie

“Two Truths and a Lie” is a party game in which players take turns telling the group three things about themselves, with two of them being true and one being a lie. The group then has to guess which one is the lie.

To play “Two Truths and a Lie,” you will need at least two players. The group can sit in a circle and take turns telling their three statements. The player who is “it” starts by saying “I am…” followed by their three statements. For example, “I am 25 years old, I have been to Europe, and I have a pet snake.” Two of these statements are true, and one is a lie. The other players then try to guess which statement is the lie by asking questions or making guesses.

The game continues with each player taking a turn telling their three statements. Players are not allowed to repeat something that has already been said. The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of players have had a turn.

“Two Truths and a Lie” is a fun way to get to know your friends and find out interesting facts about them. It can be played with players of all ages and adapted to suit different audiences and settings.

5. Cards Against

Party – Disclaimer / Photo by fauxels

Cards Against is a party game similar to the classic game of “Charades,” but with a deck of cards. To play Cards Against, you will need at least two players and a deck of cards (without the jokers).

To start the game, the players are divided into pairs. One person from each pair is given a deck of cards and is referred to as the “giver.” The other person is the “guesser.” The giver shuffles the deck and then draws a card without showing it to the guesser. The giver then describes the card to the guesser without saying the card’s value or suit. The guesser then has to guess what card it is.

For example, if the giver draws the 3 of hearts, they might say: “It’s a red card. It’s a number card. It’s not an Ace or a King. It’s not a 2 or a 4.” The guesser would then try to guess the card by saying something like, “Is it the 3 of hearts?” If the guesser is correct, they get a point. If they are incorrect, the giver gets a point. The game continues with the giver drawing and describing a new card, and the guesser trying to guess it.

The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of points have been reached. Cards Against is a fun way to practice communication and problem-solving skills, and it can be adapted for players of all ages.

6. Name That Tune

“Name That Tune” is a party game in which players try to guess the title and artist of popular songs based on short audio clips. To play “Name That Tune,” you will need a way to play music and a selection of popular songs.

To start the game, one person acts as the “DJ” and plays short clips of songs (typically 15-30 seconds long). The other players try to guess the song title and artist as quickly as possible by shouting out their answers. The DJ can give clues if necessary, such as the genre of the song or the decade it was released in.

The player who correctly guesses the song and artist first gets a point. The DJ then plays another clip, and the game continues with the players trying to guess the song and artist for that clip. The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of points have been reached.

“Name That Tune” is a fun way to test your music knowledge and challenge your friends. It can be played with players of all ages and adapted to suit different audiences and settings.

7. 20 Questions

“20 Questions” is a party game in which one player thinks of an object, and the other players try to guess what it is by asking yes-or-no questions. To play “20 Questions,” you will need at least two players.

To start the game, one player thinks of an object and keeps it to themselves. The other players then take turns asking yes-or-no questions to try to guess what the object is. The player who is “it” can only answer “yes” or “no” to the questions.

For example, if the object is a banana, the players might ask questions like: “Is it a fruit?” “Is it yellow?” “Is it a type of food that you can peel?” The player who is “it” would answer “yes” to the first and second questions, and “no” to the third question.

The players have a limited number of questions (usually 20) to try to guess the object. If they guess correctly within the allotted number of questions, they win the round. If they do not guess correctly, the player who is “it” wins the round. The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of points have been reached.

“20 Questions” is a fun way to practice problem-solving and critical thinking skills. It can be played with players of all ages and adapted to suit different audiences and settings.

8. Truth or Dare

Party Games
Party Games – Disclaimer / Photo by RODNAE Productions

“Truth or Dare” is a party game in which players take turns choosing between answering a question truthfully or performing a dare. To play “Truth or Dare,” you will need at least two players.

To start the game, the players sit in a circle and take turns going clockwise. The player who is “it” can choose between “truth” or “dare.” If they choose “truth,” they must answer a question truthfully. If they choose “dare,” they must perform a dare.

The player who is “it” can either choose their own truth or dare, or they can ask the group to come up with one for them. Dares can range from silly tasks (such as singing a song or doing a silly dance) to more challenging tasks (such as eating a strange food or going outside in the rain). Truths can range from personal questions (such as “Who was your first crush?”) to more general questions (such as “What is your biggest fear?”).

The game continues with each player taking a turn choosing between “truth” or “dare.” Players are not allowed to repeat a truth or dare that has already been said. The game can be played for a set number of rounds, or until a certain number of players have had a turn.

“Truth or Dare” is a fun way to get to know your friends and find out interesting facts about them. However, it is important to remember to respect people’s boundaries and not ask inappropriate or uncomfortable questions. It is also important to choose dares that are safe and appropriate for all players.

Here are some Great Ideas for Truth or Dare!

9. Pictionary

Pictionary is a party game in which players take turns drawing and guessing words or phrases. To play Pictionary, you will need at least two players, paper and pencils for drawing, and a list of words or phrases to be guessed.

To start the game, the players are divided into teams. One player from each team is given a word or phrase and a piece of paper and pencil. The player then has a certain amount of time (such as one minute) to draw a picture that represents the word or phrase without writing it down. The other players on their team try to guess what the word or phrase is by shouting out their guesses. If a player guesses correctly, their team gets a point. If no one guesses correctly within the time limit, the other team gets a chance to guess and earn a point.

The game continues with each player taking a turn drawing and the other players trying to guess the word or phrase. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Pictionary is a fun way to practice drawing and communication skills, and it can be adapted for players of all ages. You can use a set of pre-made cards with words or phrases, or you can create your own list based on a theme (such as famous people or movie titles).

10. Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a party game in which players are given a list of items or tasks to find or complete within a certain time limit. To play a scavenger hunt, you will need at least two players and a list of items or tasks.

To start the game, the players are divided into teams (if playing in teams) or given the list of items or tasks to complete on their own. The players then have a certain amount of time (such as one hour) to find or complete as many items or tasks on the list as possible.

The items or tasks on the list can be anything, such as finding a specific object (such as a seashell or a toy car), completing a challenge (such as taking a selfie with a stranger), or answering a question (such as “What is the capital of France?”). The team or player with the most items or tasks completed at the end of the time limit wins the game.

Scavenger hunts are a fun way to explore your surroundings and challenge your problem-solving skills. They can be adapted for players of all ages and can be designed to suit different themes or settings.

I hope these ideas for new year party games have given you some inspiration for your celebrations! Remember to have fun, be safe, and make the most of this special time of year. Whether you’re playing games, dancing, or just enjoying each other’s company, the most important thing is to spend the new year with the people you love. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post isn’t meant to make you sick due to the over-consumption of alcohol. PartyPingo does not encourage irresponsible drinking of any kind. Stay safe, everyone!

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