Top 10 Star Wars Ice Trays for your Party
We here at Partypingo are huge star wars fans, and what more what is more fun than filling your drinks with carbonite Han Solo ice cubes or having the entire Death Star in your Gin & Tonic.
We have made a list of the top 10 Star Wars Ice cube trays:
10. BB – 8 Ice Cube Tray

BB-8 Silicone Ice Cube Tray! Make your own miniature BB-8 Ice sculpture and keep your drinks cool! Perfect for Star Wars themed parties or to add a touch of Star Wars to your drink.
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: BB-8 Silicone Ice Cube Tray
9. Boba Fett Ice Cube Tray

The awesome Star Wars Silicone Ice Trays are back with the ultimate fan favorite bounty hunter, the BOBA FETT SILICONE ICE TRAY. Perfect for everything from family fun to Star Wars themed parties, this handy tray lets you capture ice in the familiar shapes of Fetts helmet and the Mandalorian symbol (the Mythosaur skull) he wears on his shoulder. So what are you waiting for get your Bounty Hunter Ice Cube Tray now!
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: Boba Fett Silicone Ice Cube Tray
8. Stormtrooper Ice Cube Tray

Wanna create your own Stormtrooper army? Well say no more, with this Ice Cube Tray, you will be able to make as many Stormtroopers as you want!
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: Storm Trooper Silicone Ice Cube Tray
7. Darth Vader Ice Cube Tray

The Dark Sith himself! Darth Vader as an Ice Cube will make your drink the most powerful in the galaxy.
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: Darth Vader Silicone Ice Cube Tray
6. Millennium Falcon and X-Wing Ice Cube Tray

Create your own little rebel fleet to take down the Empire! The ice tray has 6 molds to make 3 X-Wing Fighters and 3 Millennium Falcons. They are perfect size and replacement from regular ice cubes.
Get your Ice Cube Tray here:
Millennium Falcon and X-Wing Fighter Silicone Ice Cube Tray
5. AT-AT & Destroyer Ice Cube Tray

You not so fond of the rebel ways? Well you could always join the Empire! They accept any that are ready to toast for a lawfull galaxy. The ice cube tray is molded in the shape of the Star Wars AT-At and the Destroyer.
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: AT-AT and Destroyer Ice Cube Tray
4. X – Wings Ice Cube Tray

The Rebel Alliance’s signature fighters all ready to be fighting a great space battle in your next Gin & Tonic. The Ice Cube Tray has 6 X – Wings molds, so you buy 2 of these to make a dozen!
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: X-Wing Fighter Silicone Ice Cube Tray
3. Death Star Ice Cube Tray

That’s no moon, it’s an Death Star ice cube! The feared battle station in the DEATH STAR SILICONE ICE TRAY, every rebels nightmare comes true when placing one of these in your drink. No longer do you require the resources of a Galactic Empire to build your own Death Star, now you too can hold the ultimate ice cube in the universe, in your hands.
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: Death Star Silicone Ice Cube Tray
2. Millennium Falcon Ice Cube Tray

Big Fan of Star Wars? You don’t have to be a Fanboy to love this Ice Cube! A Iconic spaceship from a great franchise, the Millennium Falcon that will do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: Millennium Falcon Ice Cube Tray
1. Han Solo Carbonite Ice Cube Tray

Now from a galaxy far, far away direct to your freezer comes this rubber ice cube tray featuring the classic image of Han Solo encased in Carbonite! This tray turns any cold drink into one of the darkest moments in the Star Wars lore! A great item for display or use, this ice cube tray is a must have for any fan of this classic tale of Good vs. Evil or for anyone named Jabba!
Get your Ice Cube Tray here: Han Solo Carbonite Ice Cube Tray
Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.
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