Breaking Bad Drinking Game
Breaking Bad Drinking Game - Disclaimer
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Breaking Bad Drinking Game

Breaking Bad Drinking Game

Short about the show

After being diagnosed with lung cancer, Walter White teams up with the High School dropout Jesse to produce and distribute the cleanest crystal meth. To ensure a stable future for his family, Walter gets further involved in the drug environment, and his secret life becomes harder and harder to keep from his Wife.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • Jesse says  the word “Bitch” or “Yo..”
  • Every time someone uses slang for Meth (Ice, Crystals, etc.)
  • Jesse and Walt argue.

Drink twice when:

  • Money is shown on screen
  • Walt lies
  • Hank says something racist

Drink three times when:

  • A character smokes
  • Jessie has a meltdown
  • Walttalk about chemistry

Take a shot when:

  • A character dies
  • The name “Heisenberg” is mentioned


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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