How to keep your Drinks Cold on a Festival
How to keep your Drinks Cold on a Festival
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How to keep your Drinks Cold on a Festival

How to keep your Drinks Cold on a Festival

When you are going to a festival, there are many things that you should have control over before you leave. This can include power for the mobile, proper clothing for the weather, food storage and drinks and not least the tent.

Let’s focus on possibly the most important thing at the festival, which is your drinks!

Beer, cider, soda and various bottles should preferably be kept cold over a festival. But it can be quite difficult when the refrigerator bag and freezer items have given up after the first day or two. But luckily for you, there are several ways you can cool your beverages, and we will cover them here.

Dig a hole in the ground

Here you will also need a box of flamingo or a plastic container as seen above. Make your own underground fridge just by digging a hole in the ground where you put the container. The container works perfectly as a refrigerator as there is a lot of air between its otherwise thick surfaces. This keeps the cold and ensures that the heat isn’t let in.

The Simpel version just requires a shovel, a flamingo box and a couple of strong arms to dig a sizable hole.

Use Dry ice to cold them down

You know it well. Dry ice is what looks extremely cool when you walk into the disco and have bought a tub of delicious drink for the evening. But besides the fact that dry ice looks glossy and makes you look like you’re cooking your Breezers, dry ice will cool your gracious beers to perfection.

Dry ice should preferably be stored in a box, which is typically how you receive them when you buy them. This box is made of flamingo, and this is because flamingo is the material that can withstand the fierce cool effect of dry ice.

Wet paper towel around your beer trick

Image result for cooling beer with wet paper towel

It’s as simple as the others. Take a sheet, some big football socks or something completely third (preferably some cotton), wet it and wrap your alcohol in it. Then leave it in the shade and you will get some delicious cold drinks.

This is because your alcohol will not be affected by the heat (if it is a good summer day) and thus only affected by the wind. The wind and wet matter will automatically produce a lower temperature which you can advantageously utilize.

Small pool with Beers

Palm Tree Oasis Party Cooler

In fact, this is just about having a small bathtub and filling it with water. Don’t bathe in it, though it may seem tempting now, but just throw your drinks in it. Get your own PALM TREE OASIS PARTY COOLER here!

Here you will also be able to keep your beers cool, but not quite as cool as the other methods. At least not if the sun is bright and the basin is out in the sun all day.

Now you should have some tricks up your sleeve for the festival. So when you’re with your team, you’ve set up your base and are ready for the festivities, you can now bring some cheap plus points home with these beer cooling tricks.


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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