How to Play Pyramid Drinking Game
How to Play Pyramid Drinking Game - Disclaimer / Photo
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How to Play Pyramid Drinking Game

How to Play Pyramid


  • A deck of cards
  • 3 to 8 players
  • Beer or other alcoholic drinks


First you deal to every player 4 cards face down. Then you lay down a pyramid of cards also face down. The pyramid exists of 4 rows of cards. At the bottom of the pyramid there are 4 cards, second row 3 cards and so on.

Before the game starts every player gets time to look at his cards an to put them in order.

Once everyone is ready you start the game by turning over the first card of the pyramid.

If you have the card you can tell a player to drink or you can bluff and tell them to drink.

If they believe you they have to drink one sip for the bottom row, two for the second row and so on.

If they don’t believe you and you show the card they have to drink double. If they don’t believe you and you don’t have the card you have to drink double.

All the cards are turned over one by one and the row number is the number of sips you have to do.


  • Make the game longer by making a larger pyramid.
  • Make the game more interesting by giving more cards to the players.
  • Put down one drinking card face up. If this card shows up in the pyramid everyone has to drink the number of sips for that row.
  • Let everyone at the end of the game say up it’s cards in the right order and show. For every wrong card they have to do two sips.


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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