The Secret Life of Pets 2 Drinking Game
The Secret Life of Pets 2 Drinking Game - Disclaimer / TMDB

The Secret Life of Pets 2 Drinking Game

The Secret Life of Pets 2 Drinking Game

Short about the Movie

Max the terrier encounters canine-intolerant cows, hostile foxes and a scary turkey when he visits the countryside. Luckily for Max, he soon catches a break when he meets Rooster, a gruff farm dog who tries to cure the lovable pooch of his neuroses.

You need

Drinking Rules

Drink when:

  • Someone says “Pet”
  • Tiberius tried to eat someone
  • Someone says “Max”
  • You see a new animal species

Happy Drinking and Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post isn’t meant to make you sick due to the over-consumption of alcohol. PartyPingo does not encourage irresponsible drinking of any kind. Stay safe, everyone!

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