Never Have I Ever Questions
Never Have I Ever Questions - Disclaimer / Photo by Pixabay
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50 Funny and Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions

50 Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

“Never Have I Ever” is a party game that involves players taking turns making statements beginning with “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done. For example, “Never have I ever bungee jumped.” Other players who have bungee jumped must then put down one of their fingers. The first player to have all of their fingers put down is the loser. The game is often played as a drinking game, with the losers taking a drink or shot as punishment. The game is a fun and lighthearted way to learn more about your friends and share some embarrassing or interesting experiences. Post contains affiliate links.

  1. Never have I ever accidentally set off a fire alarm while cooking.
  2. Never have I ever been to a strip club.
  3. Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public.
  4. Never have I ever eaten something that fell on the floor and then pretended it never happened.
  5. Never have I ever gotten lost in a mall or department store.
  6. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person.
  7. Never have I ever walked into the wrong bathroom by mistake.
  8. Never have I ever called someone by the wrong name.
  9. Never have I ever worn the same outfit two days in a row without noticing.
  10. Never have I ever forgotten my own phone number.
  11. Never have I ever received a lap dance.
  12. Never have I ever been caught looking at something naughty.
  13. Never have I ever worn my shirt inside out and not realized it until someone pointed it out.
  14. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie or TV show.
  15. Never have I ever accidentally walked into a store or restaurant and then quickly walked out because I realized it wasn’t the one I was looking for.
  16. Never have I ever flashed someone.
  17. Never have I ever accidentally put my pants on backwards.
  18. Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza by myself.
  19. Never have I ever pretended to know the lyrics to a song when I actually didn’t.
  20. Never have I ever changed my underwear for longer than two days.
  21. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.
  22. Never have I ever accidentally called someone by the wrong name.
  23. Never have I ever fallen asleep in a public place.
  24. Never have I ever gotten lost while driving.
  25. Never have I ever forgotten to put on deodorant.
  26. Never have I ever crashed a wedding.
  27. Never have I ever broken a bone.
  28. Never have I ever accidentally put on someone else’s clothes by mistake.
  29. Never have I ever mixed up salt and sugar while cooking.
  30. Never have I ever accidentally put my phone in the fridge.
  31. Never have I ever forgotten to turn off the stove or oven.
  32. Never have I ever skinny-dipped.
  33. Never have I ever accidentally laughed so hard I wet myself.
  34. Never have I ever thrown up when drunk.
  35. Never have I ever accidentally put my phone in the microwave.
  36. Never have I ever had a crush on a coworker.
  37. Never have I ever tried to open a door with my key upside down.
  38. Never have I ever taken a shower selfie.
  39. Never have I ever lied in this game.
  40. Never have I ever DMed a celebrity.
  41. Never have I ever been married.
  42. Never have I ever tried to open a door with the wrong key.
  43. Never have I ever shoplifted.
  44. Never have I ever tried to unlock a door with a paperclip.
  45. Never have I ever spied on an ex online.
  46. Never have I ever tried to open a can with my teeth.
  47. Never have I ever partied for more than twenty-four hours straight.
  48. Never have I ever been arrested.
  49. Never have I ever been kicked out of a pub/bar/club
  50. Never have I ever tried to open a bottle with my bare hands.

I hope these 50 “Never Have I Ever” questions provided some fun and laughter for your group. Don’t be afraid to mix things up and come up with your own unique “Never Have I Ever” statements too! The game is meant to be a lighthearted and enjoyable activity, so have fun with it and try not to take things too seriously.

Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever – Disclaimer / Photo

50 Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions

  1. Never have I ever had sex.
  2. Never have I ever given a blowjob.
  3. Never have I ever sent a text to my ex while drunk.
  4. Never have I ever had sex on an airplane.
  5. Never have I ever gotten STDs.
  6. Never have I ever accidentally sent a nude to the wrong person.
  7. Never have I ever walked into my parents having sex by mistake.
  8. Never have I ever called someone by the wrong name doing sex.
  9. Never have I ever done a walk of shame.
  10. Never have I ever had a one night stand.
  11. Never have I ever slept with a co-worker.
  12. Never have I ever had sex in a public place.
  13. Never have I ever slept with someone of the same sex.
  14. Never have I ever fallen asleep during sex.
  15. Never have I ever used handcuffs or other implements.
  16. Never have I ever worn socks while having sex.
  17. Never have I ever watched porn.
  18. Never have I ever faked an orgasm.
  19. Never have I ever had sex in a bathroom
  20. Never have I ever had a threesome
  21. Never have I ever sent a “sext” to the wrong person.
  22. Never have I ever been unfaithful.
  23. Never have I ever used a dating app.
  24. Never have I ever slept with someone on the first date.
  25. Never have I ever had an open relationship.
  26. Never have I ever stalked an ex’s boyfriend or girlfriend on social media.
  27. Never have I ever been on a nudist beach.
  28. Never have I ever flirted with a teacher.
  29. Never have I ever been to an adult store.
  30. Never have I ever dated more than one person at once.
  31. Never have I ever hooked up with someone I just met within the first 24 hours.
  32. Never have I ever slept with someone I wasn’t attracted to.
  33. Never have I ever tried a flavored condom.
  34. Never have I ever made out wit a friend’s sibling.
  35. Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.
  36. Never have I ever had sex in the sea/a swimming pool.
  37. Never have I ever gone back to an ex.
  38. Never have I ever used whipped cream while having sex.
  39. Never have I ever Googled sex positions.
  40. Never have I ever had a sex fantasy.
  41. Never have I ever played strip poker.
  42. Never have I ever sucked my partner’s toes.
  43. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone the people in this room know.
  44. Never have I ever been ‘walked in on’ while having sex.
  45. Never have I ever given or received a lap dance.
  46. Never have I ever been to a sex shop.
  47. Never have I ever role-played in bed.
  48. Never have I ever had a favorite sex toy.
  49. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone else when I was in a relationship.
  50. Never have I ever had a sexy nickname / given someone a sexy nickname.


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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