Drinking Games for Adults
Drinking Games for Adults - Disclaimer / Image by Inga Seliverstova
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Drinking Games for Adults

Drinking Games for Adults

As all drinking games in a way are for Adults, since you have to be over 21 years to drink. But we have gathered a list of exciting games to play with friends. So if you are on the lookout for new and fun drinking games look no further. Whether you’re hosting a party or just hanging out with a few close friends, a good drinking game can make the night even more fun. Here are five of my favorite drinking games for adults. The post contains affiliate links.

Drunk Jenga

Drunken Jenga Drinking Game
Drunken Jenga Drinking Game – Disclaimer / Photo by Yan Krukov

This game puts a fun twist on the classic game of Jenga. Players write different drinking challenges on each Jenga block, such as “take a shot” or “finish your drink.” As the game goes on and the tower becomes more unstable, the challenges become more difficult. If the tower falls, the player who caused it has to take a penalty shot.

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity – Disclaimer / Photo

This game is a hilarious and often offensive card game that is perfect for adult game nights. Players take turns playing cards with phrases on them to complete a sentence, and the judge picks the funniest or most inappropriate answer. The losing players have to take a drink.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever – Disclaimer / Photo

This game is a classic for a reason. Players take turns saying “Never have I ever” followed by a statement, such as “Never have I ever gone streaking.” Anyone who has done that action takes a drink. This game can be a fun way to learn new things about your friends and can lead to some interesting conversations.

Flip Cup

Top 9 New Years Drinking Games
Flip Cup – Disclaimer / Photo by Sean-Paul McKee

This game is a great way to get a group involved and is perfect for parties. Players are divided into two teams and stand on opposite sides of a table. Each player has a cup of beer, and they take turns chugging their beer and then flipping the cup upside down on the table. The first team to have all their players flip their cups wins.

Beer Pong

Beer Pong
Beer Pong – Disclaimer / Photo by Burst

Beer Pong is a classic drinking game that has been enjoyed by adults for decades. It’s simple, yet incredibly entertaining, and requires nothing more than a table, some plastic cups, and a few ping-pong balls.

These are just a few of favorite drinking games for adults, but there are many more out there to discover. Remember to always play responsibly and with moderation, and to never drink and drive. Cheers!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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This post contains affiliate links.

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