Drinks for Single Girls on Valentines Day
Drinks for Single Girls on Valentines Day
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Drinks for Single Girls on Valentines Day

Drinks for Single Girls on Valentines Day

Valentines Day is celebrated by infatuated couples who pay tribute to their love for each other. But women without a boyfriend need not despair on the day of love. A new Finnish tradition says that all single girls will be able to see a mirror image of the man they will once marry in their Valentine’s drink at midnight.

Although Valentines Day dates back to the Middle Ages, it is only in recent years that the Danes have seriously jumped on the love wave. Every year on February 14, couples in love celebrate the love of each other with romantic dinner, long-stemmed roses, heart-shaped chocolates and other sweet and red. But the fact is that in a lot of women in the world are living alone, and for them the ‘hype’ around Valentines Day can be a true nightmare.

In Finland, the single girls have taken action and chosen to create their own tradition on Valentines Day. Here it has become customary that girlfriends without boyfriends celebrate love day with the ‘national drink’ Koskenkorva – the traditional, Finnish vodka, which is also just launched on the US market. According to tradition, the single girls at midnight will see a clear mirror image of their carving in their vodka drink.

Valentine Drinks for Cool Single Ladies:

Image result for Amour Rose drink

Amour Rose

  • 4 cl Koskenkorva Vodka
  • 4 cl Passoa
  • 1 cl Lemon juice
  • Sugar sirup
  • 2 cl Cointreau

How to make:

  1. Shake everything together in a cocktail shaker
  2. Add it to a cold Martini glass (no ice)

FACT: Koskenkorva vodka is available in the varieties ‘Pure’, ‘Nordic Berries’, ‘Green Apple’, ‘Vanilla’, ‘Blueberry’ and ‘Salmiakki’. Common to all flavors is that they are made on pure vodka and distilled at least 250 times. The bottles are available in 70 cl. with an alcohol volume of between 32-40%.

Image result for Pink Lady drink

Pink Lady

  • 4 cl Koskenkorva Green Apple Vodka
  • Sprite
  • Grenadine

How to make:

  1. Shake Vodka and Grenadine together
  2. Add Ice in a glass
  3. Add the shaking Vodka and Grenadine
  4. Top off with Sprite
  5. If your feeling frisky, add a bit of lime


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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