Sugar Syrop for Cocktails
Sugar Syrup for Cocktails

Sugar Syrup for Cocktails

About Sugar Syrup

Sugar syrup is the cornerstone of every delicious cocktails. It’s easy to make and you most-likely already have all the ingredients. After reading this you probably gonna be wondering why you would ever buy it in a store.

If you want a richer taste you should try using cane sukker. It’s gotta take your cocktails to the next stage. You can also try experimenting by adding different herbs, lemon or spices to your syrup.


  • Half a cup of water
  • Half a cup of sugar

That’s 50/50 if you wanna make a bigger portion.

You need

  • A small pan


  1. Add water and sugar to the pan at medium heat.
  2. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Pour it into a bottle of your choosing.
  4. The syrup should last about a month (Stored at 5 degree Celcius).

This is perfect with the cocktail Mojito.


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