Power Hour: The Ultimate Test of Endurance Drinking Game
Power Hour: The Ultimate Test of Endurance Drinking Game - Disclaimer / Photo by cottonbro studio
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Power Hour: The Ultimate Test of Endurance Drinking Game

Power Hour: The Ultimate Test of Endurance Drinking Game

Are you looking for a new and exciting drinking game to play with friends? Look no further than the Power Hour, the ultimate test of endurance. This game is a combination of drinking and music, and it’s a guaranteed good time.

What you need

Equipment needed to play Power Hour:

  • Beer
  • Shot glasses (1 per person)
  • A timer or clock
  • A music device with a playlist of 60 songs (1 song per minute)
  • Optional: additional rules, tasks or challenges to make the game more challenging
  • Optional: snacks and food to enjoy while playing
  • Optional: a designated driver or other transportation options
  • Optional: a camera to capture the moments
  • Optional: a whiteboard or chalkboard to keep track of the rules and score
  • Optional: prizes for the winner(s)

How to Play

The objective of the Power Hour is to drink one shot of beer every minute for an hour. The game is best played with a group of friends and a playlist of 60 songs, with each song lasting one minute. When the first song starts, everyone takes their first shot of beer. As each song plays, everyone takes another shot. The game continues until the end of the hour, and whoever makes it to the end without stopping is the winner.

To make the game more challenging and fun, you can add different rules, such as taking two shots during a certain song or finishing your beer before the next song starts. You can also assign different tasks or challenges to be completed at certain points during the game.

It’s important to remember to drink responsibly and to pace yourself throughout the game. It’s also a good idea to have a designated driver or other transportation options available.

The Power Hour is a great way to spend an evening with friends, and it’s sure to provide plenty of laughs and memories. Just remember to drink responsibly and have a designated driver or other transportation options available. Have fun and enjoy the game!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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