Next Theme Party with the Girls
Next Theme Party with the Girls - Disclaimer / Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Fun Drinking Games and Costumes for the Next Theme Party with the Girls

Fun Drinking Games and Naughty Costumes for the Next Theme Party with the Girls

There is spring in the air. Finally, we can enjoy the outdoor cafés, and with the pandemic in place, we can finally look forward to a social summer with fun and cold drinks galore.

And we need it for rosé, sun, and fun with the girls. So precisely because we have long sighed for true social events, and the brain is gradually well run out after Zoom meetings and homework, we come here with good ideas for the girl’s evening and tips for socializing.

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Invite the Girls to Theme Party – Just Because 🤷

When was the last time you went to a good party? Such a fun, unforgettable party that lasts until well into the night? We also can not remember when we last had fun.

For in – what at least feels like – forever, we have suffered from high infection rates, lockdown, and restrictions that have stretched legs for the social. We all need to get out again. To be seen. To have fun with your girlfriends and have it FAT. And now we finally have to meet more again.

SO! Why not invite all the girls to the perfect girls’ night out with costumes, drinking games, and fun features? Just because we finally have to!

If you lack inspiration, explore fun costumes and party items for your theme party, and invite the girls to a costume party with drinks and fun. Then, of course, you can advantageously spice it all up a bit and screw up the lukewarm atmosphere with naughty costumes and vile accessories and equipment for the party – just because you can.

See Different Costumes on Amazon here!

Beer Pong & Entertainment for your Girl Evening

Beer pong is an absolute party classic that tops the list of fun things you can do for a party. And it is not without reason. Because with a proper beer pong set, both the party and the alcohol intake are set in motion. All you need is a lot of cold beer, big plastic mugs, a real beer pong table, and table tennis balls – and then you are ready for an entertaining beer pong tournament, dressed up in the most fabulous costumes.

When you play, you must use suitable balls, which are easy to throw and appropriate sizes for your mug. Beer pong is usually played with table tennis balls, and we recommend that you always have extra beer pong balls in stock – they tend to stay away from the players during the evening. Or is it the other way around … 😉

Of course, there are also a sea of ​​other fun drinking games, activities, and games that you and your girlfriends can throw over. On Amazon, you will find everything in cool games, fun party items, and colorful accessories for the party.

Check out the different Drinking Games here!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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