Drinks to make at a Graduation Party
Drinks to make at a Graduation Party - Disclaimer / Photo by Caio
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Drinks to make at a Graduation Party

Mix the perfect Mojito or Gimlet for your Graduation Party – Or impress in the bar for the others!

Give the graduation party a little style: Drop the warm beers and serve a few good drinks instead!

The easy thing is a box of beers and a bottle of Asti, but it’s just more delicious to serve a few cold drinks.

Here you have the recipe for a fantastic student party with excellent drinks that are easy to make – and there is also plenty of opportunity for a little extra credit when you know a good story to serve with the glass.


The Mojito also has a long history behind it.

Rumor has it that Cuban sugar cane workers invented it in the 19th century.

The name comes from the African word ‘Mojo,’ which means ‘to curse’ – perhaps an early realization that one should limit the number of Mojitos ?!

Author Ernest Hemingway, who spent more than 30 years in Havana, Cuba, had a particular fondness for Mojito, which he enjoyed at the local La Bodeguita del Medio.

  • 4 cl white rum
  • 1 cl Rose’s Lime
  • 2 cl Rose’s Mojito
  • Mint leaves
  • Sparkling water

Put ice in a drinking glass. Pour Rose’s Mojito, rum, and Rose’s Lime over. Finally, fill with Sparkling water and garnish with a lime slice or mint leaves.


Gimlet is a classic that was invented in the early 1900s.

In 1928, a Gimlet consisted of gin, a drop of lime, and soda, but since then, the recipe has been developed and made more characteristic.

Gimlet was the American drink Raymond Chandler’s favorite drink and is highlighted in several of his books, including in the books about one of the most famous detectives of all time, the hard-boiled Philip Marlowe. They among other things got his TV series in the 1980s. The following recipe dates from 1953:

4 cl Dry Gin
4 cl Rose’s Lime

Dry Gin and Rose’s Lime are poured into a glass of ice cubes. Stir and serve garnished with a slice of lime.


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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