Kings: The Classic Drinking Game with a Twist
Kings: The Classic Drinking Game with a Twist - Disclaimer / Image by mamewmy
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Kings: The Classic Drinking Game with a Twist

Kings: The Classic Drinking Game with a Twist

Are you looking for a fun and exciting drinking game to play with your friends? Look no further than Kings, a classic game with a twist. This game is easy to learn, highly entertaining, and sure to provide hours of laughter and good times.

What do you need

Equipment needed to play Kings:

  • A deck of cards
  • A table or flat surface to place the deck of cards on
  • Alcoholic beverages for all players
  • Cups or glasses for each player to drink from
  • Optional: A cup or container in the center of the table to collect alcohol from the “Pour” rule (King)

How to play

To start the game, all players must sit in a circle around a table. A deck of cards is then placed in the center of the table, and each player takes turns drawing a card. Each card has a specific rule associated with it, and players must follow the rule when they draw it.

The rules are as follows:

  • Ace: Waterfall – All players must start drinking at the same time, and the player who drew the card cannot stop drinking until the player to their right stops.
  • Two: You – The player who drew the card can choose any player to take a drink.
  • Three: Me – The player who drew the card must take a drink.
  • Four: Floor – All players must touch the floor with their hand, and the last player to do so must take a drink.
  • Five: Guys – All male players must take a drink.
  • Six: Chicks – All female players must take a drink.
  • Seven: Heaven – All players must point to the ceiling, and the last player to do so must take a drink.
  • Eight: Mate – The player who drew the card chooses a “mate” and they must drink whenever the player who drew the card drinks.
  • Nine: Rhyme – The player who drew the card says a word, and the next player must say a word that rhymes with it. This continues clockwise around the circle, and the first player to fail to come up with a rhyme must take a drink.
  • Ten: Categories – The player who drew the card chooses a category (e.g. types of fruit), and the next player must say something that fits within that category. This continues clockwise around the circle, and the first player to fail to come up with a response must take a drink.
  • Jack: Make a rule – The player who drew the card can make a rule that all players must follow (e.g. no talking while playing).
  • Queen: Question Master – The player who drew the card becomes the “question master” and can ask any player a question at any time. If the player asked a question does not answer or answers incorrectly, they must take a drink.
  • King: Pour – The player who drew the card pours some of their drink into a cup in the center of the table. Whoever draws the last king must drink the entire cup.

Kings is a classic drinking game with a twist that is sure to provide hours of entertainment for you and your friends. With a variety of rules to follow and a dynamic gameplay, this game is perfect for any party or gathering. So gather your friends, grab some drinks, and get ready for a night of fun and laughter with Kings!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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