12 Good reasons to drink beer every day
12 Good reasons to drink beer every day

12 Good Reasons to Drink Beer Every Day

12 Good Reasons to Drink Beer Every Day

It is natural to feel guilty when drinking a beer or two, but it should not bother you that much. In fact, some research shows that there are actually several benefits to drinking beer.

Of course, make sure you drink responsible, otherwise you won’t be able to get any health benefits from drinking beer. Let’s find out more about it ..

Benefits of drinking beer

Yes, there are benefits to drinking beer as long as you drink moderately. Men should limit their beer intake to two drinks a day, while women can only have one drink a day. More than this will cause problems. Here are some potential health benefits of moderate beer drinking.

1. It reduces stress

Moderate beer drinking can help relieve stress and keep you healthy. Some scientific studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with reduced anxiety and stress. By reducing stress, beer can also prove beneficial to your cardiovascular system.

It reduces the risk of stroke and other heart complications. The presence of antioxidants called phenols is another reason why beer can be beneficial to your heart.

2. It keeps the bones strong

Beer is a good source of silicon that is vital to the health of your bones. There is evidence that older people may reduce the risk of breakage by drinking 1-2 glasses of beer a day. Beer helps improve bone density that protects them from breaking.

Keep in mind that there is also evidence that it will adversely affect your bones and increase the risk of bone fracture if you drink more than two glasses of beer each day.

3. It prevents gallstones

One of the many benefits of beer is that it helps reduce the risk of gallstones. You develop gallstones when your cholesterol levels are too high. In fact, gallstones are a combination of bile, cholesterol and other things. Beer can help prevent these problems.

4. It contains B vitamins

You need to get enough B vitamins daily to stay healthy. Any lack of B6, B3 and even B9 can cause all sorts of problems. Your body needs vitamin B3 to help repair cellular damage while sufficient B6 vitamins will relieve PMS.

B9 lowers the risk of colon cancer and you get all these vitamins from the beer you drink. By providing you with all these vitamins, beer also helps lower the risk of developing anemia.

5. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Many studies have shown that moderate beer drinking can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Moderate beer drinkers are 23% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s, dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment. This is mainly due to the silicon content of beer. It protects your brain from the damaging effects of aluminum.

6. It promotes healing

Drinking a cooked brew like Gatorade after a vigorous workout can help you recover faster after workout. In addition, you can also take a post-workout beer to rehydrate your body.

It actually works better than drinking water after a strenuous workout session. Remember, you must drink moderately, otherwise you will experience certain complications.

7. It reduces the risk of diabetes

Some scientific studies have shown that moderate beer drinking can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. These studies have also shown that you benefit from this benefit only when drinking moderately. Otherwise, you can actually balance your blood sugar levels and then you have to deal with all sorts of problems.

8. It reduces the risk of cancer

Moderate beer drinking will reportedly reduce your cancer risk, mainly because it contains the flavonoid compound xanthohumol. Some studies show that this compound may play a role in the chemoprevention of cancer. It gives you extra protection against prostate cancer.

Depending on the grains used during fermentation, you can also get a variety of beer polyphenols which also prevent the cancerous activity of your body.

9. It lowers the risk of hypertension

One of the many benefits of beer is that it can lower your blood pressure. This can greatly reduce the risk of hypertension. Studies show that moderate beer drinkers are at lower risk of developing high blood pressure compared to those who drink cocktails or wine.

10. It lowers the risk of kidney stones

Kidney stones can be extremely painful, so it is important to take steps to avoid getting them in the first place. Moderate beer drinking can help you do just that. Studies show that moderate beer drinking can reduce the risk of developing these painful stones by 40%. The benefit comes from the fact that 93% of beer is water that helps flush toxins out of your system.

Beer also contains certain compounds that send signals to your body to slow down the release of calcium. When there is no excess calcium in the blood, you are less likely to develop the painful kidney stones.

11. It lowers cholesterol

Just as it lowers blood pressure, so beer can help improve your cardiovascular health with a lower cholesterol level. Cholesterol can accumulate in your arteries and cause blockage. Moderate use of beer can give you beta-glucans that act as soluble fiber and lower your cholesterol levels in the body.

12. It helps you to socialize

One of the many benefits of beer is that it is an instant confidence booster that helps you socialize with other people.

Some research has shown that people who drink beer are less likely to feel embarrassed when they are with other people. You may even be able to give a speech in front of a large audience, right after drinking a glass of beer.


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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