Det Grunk Drinking Game Interview
Det Grunk Drinking Game Interview
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Det Grunk Interview

Det Grunk Drinking Game

It’s time to Det Grunk

Addictive, Engaging and Hillarious. This is what Det Grunk is all about! And at the same time, those three words are the the creators core philosophy for inventing this new drinking game. Det Grunk has it’s roots in Boston, and after 3 years of development its finally ready and on the market for us all to enjoy. According to the creators the inspiration behind Det Grunk came from watching the tv show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” where an extreme drinking game called “CharDeeMacDenis” happens. That was the spark for Det Grunk to develop a drinking capable of grabbing the attention of all participating players and keeping the party going!

“If and when you get the ‘Kung Poo Chicken’ card… just do it, everyone else will lose their mind laughing.
It will always be our favorite.”

How to Det Grunk

Det Grunk is a card-based drinking game, with precisely tailored drinking rules and mini-games on them. Here is how the developers explains the game:

“Det Grunk is super easy! The goal is to collect Grunk’d points! You can earn those by completing the challenges listed on the cards.

To play you just grab some friends, an empty cup (community cup) and rotate around the room drawing cards and performing the actions as instructed.  Each card was carefully designed to last for no longer than a minute and half in order to keep the attention of all players.

A traditional game ends when one player collects 15 points, but more often that not the game just keeps going on until you are ready to go out or until someone passes out…”

Visit Det Grunk website to learn more –

Det Grunk Drinking Game

Creators’ favorite card

Imagine calling a local Chinese food restaurant and trying to order “kung poo chicken” over and over again untill they hang up on you. This is exactly what you have to do if you get the “Kung Poo” Card. No wonder why this card is the creators favorite.

“If and when you get the ‘Kung Poo Chicken’ card…just do it, everyone else will lose their mind laughing.
It will always our be favorite.”

Our favorite card

Det Grunk - Drinking Game
Det Grunk – Drinking Game

We didn’t have a blanket near, and the towels were in the washer, so with our friend “fast” thinking, he grabbed the toilet roll and started Mummifying himself, as he babbled “Am I a Wizard now?”

It made our night, when he ended up tripping down a small staircase wearing large chunks of toiletpapir around himself!

From Drunk to Grunk

The game is developed by three brothers from Boston, Massachusetts! AJ,Jim, & Dave. Inspired by a tv show, they wanted to create a game that grabbed all of the players attention and KEPT THE PARTY GOING!

We asked the brothers about their process:

“From start to finish the process was about 3 years, we spent a long long time revising cards, creating new ones, play testing over and over and over again (see ya later liver). In order to come up with more than two hundred cards took a very long time to perfect.”

Detting Grunk in the future

The brothers behind the game believe the best part is seeing/ hearing the reactions of complete strangers playing their game. “Knowing that we created something that is the focus of a groups party is a huge win for us!”. And they are not finished yet.

Det Grunk has set their eyes on creating expansion packs! And are currently working on their next pack, and hope to have it live by the end of 2019 or the beginning of 2020.

The game is currently available on Amazon. So get your ass in there, and get your copy today!


Please remember to drink responsibly! This post is not intended to promote excessive or irresponsible drinking. PartyPingo does not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or any form of reckless alcohol consumption. Stay safe and know your limits.

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